Category: FOOD


Wow! This Woman Drinks 8 Cups of Water a Day and She’s Still Sad!

Doctors recommend that adults drink half a gallon of water per day for optimal hydration. The health benefits of staying adequately hydrated are manifold—it boosts…

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Posted in FOOD NEWS

Almond Milk Sues for Rights

Dairy farmers everywhere share a common dream: a wholesome lifestyle spent milking their cows each day, filling up buckets of milk and making enough to…

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Now That You’ve Taken a Bite…Guess What Horrible Ingredient The Party Host Snuck Into Your Food!

With the surge of food allergies and unique dietary needs, more and more establishments are becoming transparent about what they put in their food. That…

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I Saved Hundreds Last Year By Making All My Coffee at Home and Not Once Leaving the House

The average millennial spends around $2,000 a year on coffee. When I found this out, I was floored! That’s a lot of money. And I,…

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Posted in FOOD

A Gourmet Recipe That Definitely Isn’t Just Veggies in a Sauté Pan

Ingredients: 1 cup of optimism 2 tablespoons of determination Garlic, too much 1 heaping palmful of fear (social media induced is best, but familial based…

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