“Celebrating 624 and a Half Days Til We Get Married,” Says Woman Looking for an Excuse To Post Her Engagement Photos

You guessed it! Another woman on your feed has been caught trying to balance the desperate need to post her engagement photos, her desire to get likes on the ‘gram, and her pure excitement for her wedding a year and a half from now. And she’s doing it all by celebrating 624 and a half days until her and her hubby say “I do.” The only problem? It makes us all want to flip a table or vomit…maybe even both…maybe at the same time? Nah, too messy.

You can just tell when someone is looking for an excuse to post their engagement photos—the post either falls on a random number of days until they get hitched or celebrates their love, “just because.” But it isn’t “just because”—that woman wants to remind the world as many times as possible that she is deeply in love, while half her friends are still on Tinder. Le sigh. 

I mean, can the rest of us at least get a say in what kind of engagement photos we see? Can we put in requests or something, like “no dramatic photoshoots on the beach” or “give us more obscure shots in the park where at least one of you looks uncomfortable?” I vote we give feedback to these happy couples. Maybe we can even promise them a like if they’re lucky. Maybe even a comment…maybe.

Point is, can we normalize posting your engagement photos just a few times, instead of anytime a random life event happens? I feel like we are dangerously leaning towards celebrating something like President’s Day with an engagement photos post. What’s next? A “Had a romantic trip to the grocery store with my boo” post? You’ve all gone too far, I tell you! Too. Far.

Anna Snapp
Author: Anna Snapp
Anna is a Brooklyn-based actor and writer, trying to figure which is more important to her: taking down the men on dating apps who refer to themselves as "humble", or watching enough terrible reality TV to officially lessen her value. Anna believes in progressive politics, Dua Lipa, and mediocre boxes of Sauvignon Blanc.