How to Break the Codependent Relationship You Have with Your Cat

It’s been a long quarantine, your cat has been there with you through it all and your relationship shows it. 

Have you started to scream at your cat, “Why don’t you love me more?” Or have you taken to Googling what different cat sounds mean for reassurance? Do you check your cat’s horoscope just to see what you are in for today?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you have cat codependency. And I’m here to help you. With these four steps, you will be on your way to a better, more independent, and fulfilled you.

Step One: Awareness

Just by answering the above questions in the affirmative, you now are aware that you depend on your cat for love and attention, and they only care when it’s cold, they need food, or you are typing on your computer. Being aware of this is Step One of the healing process. You know your current status and strive to change it. 

Step Two: Know your Value

Cat’s are the most confident creatures on the planet. They are the Alpha when there is no evidence they should be. Think about that. How inspiring is it to lick your butt hole and still feel like you are a superior being? To sleep 14 hours a day and not feel this makes you lazy or unworthy. Know your own worth. If a cat can do it, so can you. You are worthy of love and attention. No matter how much your cat is ignoring you.

Step Three: Redefine your relationship roles

Remember how you have the wallet that feeds them? That you own the home that they live in? That you are the one that dangles the string with the catnip laced toy of joy? It’s all in your hands. Tell them this and redefine your role as Alpha of the house. The cat won’t care. But you will. 

Step Four: Action time

Next time they jump on your head to wake you up. Get up. Say no. I am in charge and I am worthy of sleep and rest and am not here to be at your every whim. I stand my ground and know my worth. Then get slapped in the face by your cat and get up and feed them knowing you are the Alpha.

Anastasia Washington
Bi Racial Actress, Comedian, Writer, Podcaster, Filmmaker and Curvy Positive model. You can keep with her and all things Anastasia at